(630) 478-2929 service@speedyvac.com

flooded-basement What a week for Forest Park Flooded basement cleanups, I felt for many of the family we couldn’t get to. We had to turn down more then 77 people practically begging us to come. We are a small firm so we were forced to help our clients first, then a new client second. Most of our clients had flooded basement insurance  Why? because the last time they had a flood, we consulted with them to make sure they had what they needed. However, so figured a flood wouldn’t happen again. One client in particular just had us our 6 weeks prior, they said we will be getting sump pump insurance so this wouldn’t happen to them again, this was their plan. First they planned to get larger sump pumps, then get the insurance. So they figured, we will get the  againbefore and was meaning to get around to it and well…it happened again. but many of  didn’t. Today that’s what I want to talk to you about. Many client think because they have home owners insurance, they are covered. Nothing can be future from the truth, let me explain.

Do you Really have Forest Park Flooded Basement Insurance?

of our new clean had insureBut for the ones we wer